вівторок, 21 вересня 2010 р.

Numbers of Landscapes. part 4

The Pythagorian geometric figure could be used for some circle or movement on boarder of this circle.
But I think we can divide this circle or use some other shape for our project.

I take demo version of Pythagorean geometric figure. But this is enough for this sample. 
So we can have some picture like this.

This is something. I think this is enough for work with some project. 
This space could be good for some math school. We can call this as 'part of our mind'.
Some project may have a good story and nice philosophy. I believe project like this has more chances for survive. 

Every sketch what you make should be reason out and subordinate your project wish. 

Every shape could have own philosophy of numbers. 

Could we play with this shapes?

Think a little bit about hill, mountain in order to use it compare with some shapes.

понеділок, 13 вересня 2010 р.

Numbers of Landscapes. part 3

There are so many curious and exciting facts about numbers. Have you ever tried use geometry comparing with numbers in landscape architecture. 

One day I thought about it. I thought about geometrical figure of  Pythagorean. Is it a harmony of numbers there? 

Lets find out what is the numbers mean?
For example in model A,

the numbers could be stones, vegetation, actually any of alternatives.  

пʼятниця, 10 вересня 2010 р.

Numbers of Landscapes. part 2

What was about part 1? The first part of The number of Landscapes was about how find out some numbers on the land at the time when you begun you project. In that stage of developing we have to read, watch and listening. In the second part of this post I will write how use numbers in order to design some harmony space.

At first I'll use the 2D plan (like from the sky).

I have to figure out and try playing with this space. 
Lets have a look on this.

The green X against black points what is 2, than 3 and 4 in the middle of plan. 
But I have made an adjustment with site. 
For example, 

Ok, lets think about numbers. What is 1,2,3,4

one is equal 1, or 1*1 as well as module.
two is 1+1=2 
3 is 2+1=3, or this is can be (2^2)-(1*1)=3 isn't it?

what is 4?   2+3-1=4...
in this case I try to use numbers comparing how big is object. 

This method can looks like too hard and boring for understand, but any way this is work. Doesn't matter what are you working with. Everything may based on logics and numbers. 

Try think about formulas:

and how you can use it in landscape architecture. 
What about minus and plus. This is a energy of competition in one group of trees, bushes, flowers, and even color or value. 

четвер, 9 вересня 2010 р.

Numbers of Landscapes. part 1

In firs part of my blog I want write about numbers.
'Everything is numbers', Pythagoras wrote.

Lets think about this phrase. What does it mean in general? Actually everything, we can't discuss landscape architecture without understand the harmony of numbers.
So how this could help us? The landscape architect has understand philosophy of project, here we can find out some numbers, and figure out what we could made with all of them.

Lets start with number 1.

One is equal 1*1, so we could get 2 trees as a one module, couldn't we?

Actually, we can find out that 1*1 will equal something different. Lets play with this) 

Is it wrong? I don't think so. 
we can play with this in different way.  
This is a simple example, what would happen if we take something else?

for example, 1+2=3


Lets look from the sky,

we could take number one as stones, grasses as a trees and shrubs. Here is no rules, but the point is if we took number one as tree, we have use this number in this view. This is only one low.

Try understand, try find out, try paint a lot...

середа, 8 вересня 2010 р.

What is this blog about? Intro.

Hi everyone. This blog is intended for landscape architect.

Actually, I spend heaps of time for design and arrange an ideas.
Have a start much harder than involve in the process after, as I found. So I think, draw, work as at the office as on the field. After some years, I understand that want made my own blog where I will be write about my thought.

In my blog I am going to write about numbers, lines, points, levels, colors, lights, feelings...
There are some curious idea about the last one.
Could you ask your self what is it? What does it mean FEELING? What do mean senses in landscape architecture? How can you operate a mood?

I am trying find a way for control peoples mood in different way. We have made a well condition for people. This is a "white energy"  as well as.

One more things, I will not write about a lot, you won't spend a lot of time for understand something.

How to read my blog? I would say, there is no best or worst way! You are reading this as you wish and look at the pictures as you like. Even you can jump from one section to the another. Read one part and go to bed is the best way of understanding.

I hope you will have a nice time here.