субота, 27 листопада 2010 р.

Numbers of Landscapes. Part 8

In this post I want to deal with rhythm, tempo and meter. 

Rhythm (from Greek ῥυθμός – rhythmos, "any regular recurring motion, symmetry") is a "movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions. 
It could be a different module composition and so on... 

For more information go to the native source, 

In musical terminology, Tempo (Italian for time, plural: tempi) is the speed or pace of a given piece. Tempo is a crucial element of any musical composition, as it can affect the mood and difficulty of a piece.
Actually, the same meaning as we could use. 

For more information go to the native source, 

Meter or metre is a term that music has inherited from the rhythmic element of poetry (Scholes 1977; Latham 2002) where it means the number of lines in averse, the number of syllables in each line and the arrangement of those syllables as long or short, accented or unaccented (Scholes 1977; Latham 2002).  
In landscape architecture it is could be a pace, for instance. 

For more information go to the native source,

Landscape architecture as music has the same rules of making composition. 
More over, the final composition of your project depends of music what did you listen. I suggest, it would has close rhythm, tempo and even meter.

For clear, 

Is it right that our heart beating is under control of some music? I think, this depends of volume also. 
For example, 

I think the second is much loud than the first Miscanthus. So it is mean that we could operate a people mood and feelings. 

Lets think about this sketch. 

Looks like very contemporary. Looking in the root of this situation, I believe that we would go faster between 2 and 3 lavatories versus first and second. This ones of the way to operate distance between people steps. 

`Rhythm is one of the keys to great landscape design, and there are several types of rhythm that make design more powerful. Whether is be alternation, crescando, descending, or one of many others this is an excellent tool for designers.` ,from web site of whispering Crane Institute.
The native link is

`Sequence and rhythm are employed to create a feeling of logical follow-through, a leading up to the climax of the garden. They produce interest throughout the entire scheme. Nothing is so disheartening to the gardener as to have a visitor pass by his efforts with casual glance and polite but indifferent comment. This often happens because the garden lacks challenge or a demand for closer attention.`, from sequence and rhythm post of 
follow this link and you would find a lot of useful information). 

четвер, 25 листопада 2010 р.

Numbers of Landscapes. part 7

I found an interesting source of math.

The native link is

I'm interesting in the magic square.

Would I arrange numbers according light.
I will take leigh of waves light from 400 till 800 nanometers, this is

Versus this light from prism. 

Here we have light waves from 800 till 400 nanometers, this is light what human can see.

So, We have 16 digits and lights. 

Lets design something,

Actually, I suggest this is nice colors. Finally, we got magic colors square. 

Have you ever heard what do colors mean?

The native source of this graph is

Numbers of Landscapes. part 6

Firstly, I want write some more information about Fibonacci numbers.

I have found a lot of useful information for landscape architect last night:

 1.   You may download a podcast from BBC radio 4 about the Fibonacci sequence. Follow the
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b008ct2j   , please.

this is the web source of Fibonacci numbers and nature.

This is really useful one, as for me.

2.   Go to the

This is the Home page for Dr. Ron Knott's multimedia web site on the Fibonacci numbers, the Golden section and the Golden string hosted by the Mathematics Department of the University of Surrey, UK.

at this web site I found much of relevant information, and much more.

3.  You may visit YouTube. com . For instance,

 I found some curious facts on the


I'm thinking about possibility of use this numbers in some module construction or plant area...


Lets think about 3-5-8

I'm trying make a sketch for 2D plan. 

At the beginning, I have this 

According our data table,  
3 = 2+1
5 = 1+3+1
8 = 1+4+3

Lets play with this, 

I chose the following plants:
1- Juniperus squamata 'blue carpet'
2 - Mischantus sinensis 'little kittle'
3 - Rhododendron sihotense 
4 - Pinus mugo 
, for example.

Lets drawing this, 

In this sample, I have 3-5-8 as space of site and heigh of plants. 
Like this,

Almost, like I thought. But it needs some adjustment still. 

середа, 24 листопада 2010 р.

Numbers of Landscapes. part 5

What do I know about numbers?
What do I know about numbers of leaves, flowers, brunches of trees?

Fibonacci worked a lot with integer sequence.

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 ...

Finally, he designed the 1.618. This is  descended from

what came from Binet's formula, used by Fibonacci

What is really close to the `golden ratio` 

For example, 

What is actually great. All what we have in our landscape project should be equal  `0`, than we would have harmony and balance in our composition at all.   

For more information about formulas look at the 

We know `golden cross` as  `3 - 5 - 8`.  But the main number of all is 1.62.
Lets look at the `golden spiral` 
 Than at this 


Fibonacci worked a lot with understanding plants growing. 

Do you know this facts?

Does you know something about angles between leaves, brunches... ?

It is something for boiling in our mind.