середа, 24 листопада 2010 р.

Numbers of Landscapes. part 5

What do I know about numbers?
What do I know about numbers of leaves, flowers, brunches of trees?

Fibonacci worked a lot with integer sequence.

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 ...

Finally, he designed the 1.618. This is  descended from

what came from Binet's formula, used by Fibonacci

What is really close to the `golden ratio` 

For example, 

What is actually great. All what we have in our landscape project should be equal  `0`, than we would have harmony and balance in our composition at all.   

For more information about formulas look at the 

We know `golden cross` as  `3 - 5 - 8`.  But the main number of all is 1.62.
Lets look at the `golden spiral` 
 Than at this 


Fibonacci worked a lot with understanding plants growing. 

Do you know this facts?

Does you know something about angles between leaves, brunches... ?

It is something for boiling in our mind. 

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